Sunday, June 21, 2009

Win again~~

upu released , and i got my 3rd choice---udm(terengganu) , medic , mbbs.

when i post it on my facebook wall , everybody keep asking "where is it???"

then , i m wondering why everyone dunno bout this thing?

coz it only open for matrik student for certain course. eg medic n dietician.

it only starts from this year.maybe due to this reason , so not so many ppl got same course with me.

my coursemate is my jmc ketua mentee **

my unimate is my practicummate's roomate,haha

till now , i just have these information.

goodluck for those entering university be well prepared , ready for the next chapter of our lives , cheers~!!!

no matter how far we are , our heart are always be connected to each others^^

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Battle??? ok, i accept your challenge

one day, i heard (actually i was overheared,haha)

my "lovely" cousin (when saw this , you should know what i feel about it)

was called my dad.

no other things , just as usual , "asking" whether we are fine here or not.

actually pretending to be.

poor of her, always like that.

i m not too good in relaionship between far relatives , but this one gives me a big headache.

i wont ruin her name here , because this is not a gentleman....erm well , as a "gentlewoman" act ,haha.

just feel a bit , exhausted.

everytime , the same thing happen , the same mistake i had made , same situation i had to met.

but at least , i din't lose , once.

everything have to be compare , is it nice or something good for one keep comparing with others??didn't feel it is tiring??

haiz, lazy to explain to those fools.

they don't know at all , the others was lazy to be comparing like this.

but,i wont give up any chance to beat you. was started since small.

it's was ok for me at that time , but now , i m lazy to handle this kind of things.

i m happy and glad there is challenge for me so that i can keep improving myself , but for you, just keep pursuing my shadow, din't you feel tired at all??


Dancing...???..huh,i m exhausted, but fun ^.^

learned my first dance....unbelievable.

at first , i m just try my luck to go there with my friend.

actually just accompany her.

but , at last , i m learn my 1st dance with my friend,haha^^

my 1st for most is dbsk-mirotic...

those steps are so hot , sexy (check the mv, it's really...)and hard to learn at first, but i try my best to learn it^^

and now i can manage it!!haha

this is one of nice experience i ever had before.

actually learn to dance helped me alot

like gain one confident , body language and dare to try new things! and i m the one who gain these benefits.

p/s : it also can be an exercise to diet,haha^^

this video taught me and makes me improve a lot to learn the dance ,try it ^^it will be fun

Friday, June 12, 2009

THE Smallest Cat???....hehe,cute^^

i saw this , my friend emailed to me.

everytime , he send me this kind of email(forward

thanks alot , it's very nice of you.
i share this with you.

i like it very much , as i also have 5 "cutie" at my house,haha.

last time my classmate came , he was frighten by this "view",haha.
doesn't they cute??

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Prepare for Entering Uni???

let's take a look what should we bring for?? i found this from some senior blog~~i 'll post it at here~hope it will use for all ^^

these are suggestion~if i m forget somthing in it, welcum comment on it^^ thx(it is in chinese if need translation , welcome to ask me)

1) 一双舒适的包鞋,一双皮鞋和袜子迎新周常常需要走很远的路,穿袜子脚才不会痛(袜子多带几双,不然臭死你的室友我不知道哦)

2) 长袖 Formal服装(建议两套)宣誓典礼和正式注册时(拍学生照)需用到

3) 短袖 Formal服装(建议四套)能配领带的为佳(男生)

4) 便装(建议四套)

5) 拖鞋冲凉时需要

6) 衣架

7) 文件(正本和有签证的副本)副本建议每个5张Surat Tawaran, STPM / Matrikulasi, MUET, SPM(带正式文凭,不是Slip), IC, Birth Certificate, 离校证书,等等如要申请PTPTN 就得多带父母各一份Borang Cukai Pendapatan (B/BE/EA/EC) 或薪水单或退休证明或其他可证明收入的信件,如:有村长或议员签证的薪水证明信件,还有大学指定银行的开户证明

8) 个人照片,建议 10 张(记得拿最帅/美的哦)

9) 擦抹尘埃的布空了几个月的宿舍,有多少尘埃可想而知

10) 现金(建议 RM100)

11) 药物,医药证明,特别病症的报告书以 USM来说,如果有特别的病症,需携带相关文件,身体检查时需带去其他大专来说,需携带全身医药报告,包括一张 X-ray照

12) 雨伞在大学里,常需要走路,就算巴士也不会停在讲堂的门口,不然下雨就……

13) 日常用品如肥皂,毛巾,牙刷,牙膏,洗发剂,梳子,厕纸

14) 床单

15) 手机充电器听说很多人会漏掉的

16) 闹钟提醒没有手机的朋友,有手机的朋友就不必啦,那时我就是没有带闹钟,也还没有拿手机,都是靠我的室友的手机叫醒我的,呵呵

17) 文具笔,尺,浆糊

18) 水罐迎新周建议携带的物品

19) 可随身携带的小背包能背的为佳,空出双手以方便做事,虽然大学可能会给一个包包,但可能是手提式的,会少许不方便,以个人经验,一手拿文件,一手拿包包,就没手写文件了,背包可以放水罐,文件,文具等

20) S字钩冲凉时用,由于宿舍的厕所很多都是没有地方挂衣物的,只能挂在门上,可是裤子挂在门上的话,裤袋是向下的,裤袋的东西可能都会掉下来,冲凉时都必须先把裤袋清空,因此,如要必免麻烦,建议带一两个S字钩

21) 干粮尽可能携带不需要煮,不需要热水滚的,如饼干,面包

22) 提款卡以防万一,如掉钱包,被打抢(所以提款卡建议不要带在身上)

23) 蚊香或驱蚊器有些宿舍房间由于靠近草地,晚上蚊子会蛮多的

24) 发束发夹,女性用品,化妆品 裤带

1) 桶,洗衣粉(可到时才买)
2) 计算机
3) 指甲剪(可到时才买)
4) 文具(可到时才买)订书机,剪刀,笔记本

1)Multiple socket, 或extension
2) Jacket有时讲堂,礼堂会冷(可是有些教授的笑话更冷,哈哈)
3) Pendrive储存功课,笔记用,我们那年理科大学有送一个,128MB的,虽然容量不大,但已经够用了,那时我自己的也只有 256MB而已。但多带一支供Backup用也不错,有两份copy比较安全,以防万一其中一份Copy报销

1) 帽子,日历,MP3播放器,hair gel
2) 枕头除非你没有枕头就睡不着
3) 手提电脑(很多学长建议迎新周不要带,过后才带)其实第一个学期不需要,如果真的觉得需要,第二个学期才带
4) 饭盒除非你爱打包食物回房吃,不然是不需要的
5) 镜子
6) 餐具,杯和洗碗剂除非你有带即食面,或要冲泡饮料,不然餐具和杯都是不需要的
7) 热水器就
8) 热水瓶视个人所需,不是很重要
9) seterika
10) 领带
11) 被单个人觉得没必要,宿舍都蛮热的,怕蚊子的话可以穿长裤睡
12) 马来服装,除非一些讲师特别要求学生在Presentation时穿,但通常可以普通长袖Formal代替



ptptn is open for online apply for the loan,check it on the official website.

read the instruction carefully~

it seems a bit fussy and many thing have to do~

comparing jpa and ptptn~

ptptn is loan

jpa is shcolarship , If one apply and get this , one will bonded with this group depend on what course you apply such as medic and other proffesion course will bonded 10 years (keep updating to the latest news)

for those student want to apply ptptn , they are not needed for open sspn account (telah berkuatkuasa mulai 18 mei 2009, according to offcial website ptptn).

please refer to this :

Mulai 18 Mei 2009, syarat simpanan wajib dalam SSPN sebelum layak memohon pembiayaan pendidikan telah tidak dikuatkuasakan. Pelajar-pelajar yang permohonan mereka yang telah ditolak sebelum ini kerana tiada akaun SSPN dinasihatkan untuk memohon semula sekiranya masih berhasrat mendapat pembiayaan PTPTN.

copy from :

for online applying this , one sholud plan and discuss with your family for the loan.after decided , go BSN nearby you house to buy PIN NO.

gudluck^^ for future undertaking

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


El Niño is an oscillation of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe.

when i was wathching the news , i have heard tis new word~

confusing so check n find some informaton about this ~~

intereting to read n i m gained knowledge about this

"During El Niño (bottom panel of the schematic diagram), the trade winds relax in the central

and western Pacific leading to a depression of the thermocline in the eastern Pacific, and an

elevation of the thermocline in the west. The observations at 110W show, for example, that

during 1982-1983, the 17-degree isotherm dropped to about 150m depth. This reduced the

efficiency of upwelling to cool the suface and cut off the supply of nutrient rich thermocline water

to the euphotic zone. The result was a rise in sea surface temperature and a drastic decline in

primary productivity, the latter of which adversely affected higher trophic levels of the food

chain, including commercial fisheries in this region. The weakening of easterly tradewinds during

El Niño is evident in this figure as well. Rainfall follows the warm water eastward, with

associated flooding in Peru and drought in Indonesia and Australia. The eastward displacement

of the atmospheric heat source overlaying the warmest water results in large changes in the

global atmospheric circulation, which in turn force changes in weather in regions far removed

from the tropical Pacific.

copy from :

this phenomena in malaysia will continue until tis september( according news berita tv3)

i hope it wont too long as the weather is become much hotter than ever~~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our mother earth













Nervous-ing (^>^)


nervous + ing

waiting for upu result~~

mostly , now students who are waiting for the upu result have same feeling like me~~

(maybe) haha^^

the date for upu result will be relese on 19th june for 2009/10 batch entry

gudluck for everybody~~hopefully we all can get our favourite course


ques : Bilakah keputusan permohonan ke IPTA Sesi Akademik 2009/2010 diumumkan? Program Pengajian Lepasan STPM/Setaraf : Minggu akhir Jun 2009

copy from